Are My Teeth Too Bad To Fix?

Are My Teeth Too Bad To Fix?


Almost everyone experiences some type of tooth imperfection in their lifetime, ranging from a minor cavity on up to extensive damage or decay. No matter how bad or far gone a patient may feel their teeth have gotten, we’re here to tell you that it’s never too late to fix an imperfect smile. Modern dentistry offers a wide range of procedures to correct even the most unsightly tooth issues. 


The first thing a dentist will do when determining the best treatment plan for fixing your teeth is a full, comprehensive assessment. This will include a full health and dental history workup, a physical examination, and diagnostic imaging like x-rays. Armed with all this information, the dentist will then decide what procedure or combination of procedures is best to give the patient a gorgeous smile while also restoring lost function and preventing further deterioration. This is what we call a Smile Makeover.

The Smile Makeover

A smile makeover isn’t just one dental procedure, but instead is a customized combination of dental procedures designed to correct the specific dental issues of each patient. Smile makeovers include both restorative and cosmetic procedures done to improve the patient’s overall dental health, functionality, and aesthetics.

Restorative Dental Procedures

Restorative dental procedures focus on preserving natural teeth (when possible) and restoring lost function in eating and speaking. Restorative dental procedures also help prevent further loss of bone in the jaw, stopping facial deformities that can result. Some of the most popular restorative dental procedures done during a smile makeover to fix badly damaged teeth include:

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most popular way to replace missing or extremely damaged teeth. Instead of only correcting issues with the part of the tooth that is visible, dental implants address issues both visible and hidden by the gums. Dental implants require a certain amount of bone in the jaw to be mounted, so a bone graft may be necessary for patients with extensive jaw bone loss before implants can be done.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a long-standing solution for a variety of dental issues, from protecting a tooth that just underwent a root canal to replacing a tooth crown severely affected by decay to providing an anchor for bridges. Dental crowns are used when possible since they allow for preservation of the existing natural tooth and don’t cause progression of bone loss in the jaw.

Dental Bridges

For patients who are missing teeth or have teeth severely damaged by decay but do not want to get dental implants, dental bridges are a great option. Dental bridges are securely attached to the patient’s existing natural teeth, usually by way of a dental crown on each side of the bridge. The teeth in the bridge are shaped and colored to match the patient’s existing teeth.


For patients who need more than just a couple of missing teeth replaced, dentures may be the best way to go. The gold standard in dentures are implant-support dentures, where the dentures are anchored to dental implants instead of relying on support from the gums. This makes the dentures more secure and comfortable. 

Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Once the dentist has finished the restorative procedures of the smile makeover, it’s time to take care of any lingering cosmetic issues. Cosmetic dentistry is focused on giving each patient a bright, white, even smile that they’re proud to show off. Some of the most popular cosmetic procedures that are done as part of a smile makeover include:

Teeth Whitening

If stained, yellowed, or otherwise discolored teeth are a major cosmetic problem, an easy solution is professional in-office teeth whitening. Patients can lighten and brighten their teeth up to eight shades, which is far beyond what they can achieve with at-home whitening solutions. The solution used to whiten during these appointments can be customized to target the specific discoloration issues of each patient, and results are amplified using LED-light technology. Results from professional teeth whitening can be prolonged using at-home kits designed to complement the in-office procedure.

Dental Veneers

For patients who want to correct discoloration and shape issues all at one time, custom-fit porcelain veneers are an amazing option. Veneers fit to the front of the teeth without having to modify the existing natural teeth, giving the appearance of a bright, white, even smile. Veneers are great for patients with minor gaps, misshapen or uneven teeth, weak teeth due to thinning enamel, and discolored teeth that cannot be corrected with whitening.


For mild to moderate gaps between teeth, Invisalign® has become the preferred solution over traditional metal braces. Invisalign® involves using a gradual progress of clear aligner trays, custom made to move the teeth little by little until they are perfectly straight. Invisalign® aligners can be removed for cleaning and don’t require the extensive care and maintenance of traditional braces, not to mention they can be used discreetly for patients who are self-conscious about having a mouth full of metal.

Gum Contouring

Patients with receding, overgrown, or uneven gum lines are loving the results from gum contouring. Gum contouring is a surgical procedure that evens out the gum line, restores missing gum tissue that threatens tooth root exposure, and removes excessive gum tissue that is growing too low on the teeth or even over the tooth crown. The result is a nice, even, properly placed gum line that eliminates a “gummy” smile or teeth that appear too long.

Frequently Asked Questions About Smile Makeovers

Will my smile makeover be covered by my dental insurance?

Some procedures included in a smile makeover may be covered by dental insurance, while other procedures will not. Typically, restorative procedures are at least partially covered, while cosmetic procedures are at the patient’s expense. However, all dental insurance plans are different, so you should check with your plan administrator for information on your specific coverages.

Can I get my entire smile makeover done in one visit?

Most smile makeovers require several visits spaced out over several weeks, months, or even years. The exact number of visits your smile makeover will need completely depends on the severity of their dental issues, the need for multi-part procedures, or the need for certain procedures before others can be started (i.e. needing a bone graft before dental implants can begin). Your dentist can give you an estimated timeline of how long your smile makeover will take from start to finish, assuming everything goes to plan.

Get a Smile You’ll Love in Northwest Arkansas

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your teeth are too messed up to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. With a professional smile makeover from the team at Integrated Dentistry in Bentonville, you can get a jaw-dropping smile you can’t wait to show the world! Schedule your smile makeover consultation today by calling us at 479-333-1300 or request an appointment online.